It’s Time for an International Anti-Capitalist Conference

The rebellion in the United States and the growth of social struggle movements in many parts of the world are beginning to pose the need for convergence in an international space.


At Socialism or BarbarismInternational [i], considering the process of popular rebellion in the United States, having participated in the recent mobilizations of the Maghreb population in France, a series of mobilizations in recent weeks, having participated in Barcelona, our comrades being part ofthe process happening in Brazil, Central America, etc., we are under the impression that the emerging phenomenon is very big, but does not have international representation of any kind.

We have yet to see if this phenomenon deepens. If it does, our idea is that we should be able, along with other forces of the left and struggle movements, to convene an International Anti-Capitalist Conference that will provide a meeting point among branches of the revolutionary left and struggle movements.

In this context, a real fiasco has occurred: asort of «Progressive International» has developed between Sanders (who capitulated to the Democrats), Varoufakis (who capitulated when the Syriza government gave up the fight against the IMF in Greece), the PT, etc. Obviously, this is nothing more than pure reformism, without any potential.

But there is a kind of «vacancy» or emptiness of a space in which we can process the political maturity of the discussions between the revolutionary organizations and the struggle movements. There is a void there because we come from a very difficult stage, a very rich stage of a relaunching of historical experience. But at the same time,it is a difficult stage – of accumulation, of relaunching new branches of Trotskyism, as is our case with Socialism or Barbarism.

In other words, this is a stage of restartinghistorical experience, closing a previous stage with the fall of the Berlin Wall, and of crises even within second postwar Trotskyism – a stage of taking stock and launching new revolutionary socialist tendencies.

So, two things must be brought together: the revolutionary organizations that have vitality and those who want to participate with an anti-capitalist program, and the struggle movements that come from the actual ground, whomay not necessarily be Trotskyists.

And there has to be a space where all that comes together; we haven’t heard much about that yet. We are at the very beginning of events and these things happen when there are real processes, processes that can be sustained. The black rights movement, the women’s movement, the youth movement and the environmental movement: there is an increasing tendency towards movements and there is a vacancy of a common, international space.

We are just starting to plant this idea today, just spreading it. We are not naive, we know that it’s not easy, that it depends a bit more on the process itself. No space, no grouping, no instance like the First International, etc.,has ever arisenfrom a test tube, from a laboratory, but rather as a real phenomenon. The point is that, somehow, we have to be able to bring together the revolutionary organizations that embody acumulative historical trajectory of revolutionary Marxism, Trotskyism, etc., and the new experiences that have emerged.

There exist all kinds of debates, which I don’t have time to cover now. But, of course, the branches that preserve the tradition of revolutionary Marxism are a minority; there are more branches of the “One Single Issue” type, which take a single element (only color, or women’sissues, for example) – partial issues. There are all kinds of reformist, autonomist, anarchist branches. The real question is how to find common ground where you can process experience – within certain parameters, of course.

That is our main concern in any proposal we may put forward, whichfor the time being,is perhaps this International Anti-Capitalist Conference. It’s a question of whether there can be a more global space to process experience. Of course, setting a clear boundary with reformism, upholding an anti-capitalist and revolutionary character in general.

(…) Class struggle dynamics are increasingly acquiring an internationalist character, although in some sectors of the working class it’s difficult, but it isoccurring nonetheless. Socialism or Barbarism International and these talks seek to encourage internationalist struggle dynamics.



[i] Excerpt from the talk held on June 23 and edited as text,“EE.UU: Larevolución a flor de piel”. Read the full article in spanish at

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